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Stihl Chainsaws for sale
STIHL was conceived by Andreas Stihl in 1929 when he made the first two man petrol driven chainsaw. This innovation has continued to the current day and STIHL are still regarded as on of the leading brands in small engine machinery.

STIHL Chainsaw

STIHL is traditionally a German engineering
company, and the reputation of German build quality has been no higher than in the Arborist and Forestry industries. Their top handled climbing saw, the MS200T is well regarded in the industry as one of the best saws ever made.

The STIHL range applicable to our industry consists of Ground Saws,
Top Handled Climbing saws, Larger saws for felling, pole pruners, and much more. Their range even includes very popular safety wear.

You will find new and second hand STIHL machinery and products on our website for sale from Dealers (usually new) and private sellers (usually used).
Updated: 01/29/2025   
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This is the market place for used equipment. I've had calls within an hour of placing ads on the site.
David, Liston Equipment ltd, UNITED KINGDOM